Unifying communication in the workplace

Are you consciously tuning into your conversation partner? What happens to your way of communicating when you feel pressured? Do you notice it when your conversation partner has disengaged in the conversation? Are you able to deal with that in a constructive way by restoring the connection? Are you talking with the other or to the other? If you know that your way of communicating has a big impact on your results, especially in a situation under pressure, how do you make sure to stay out of reactive behaviour?

What we will do
This is easily said, but how do you achieve a more connected way of communicating? In this workshop, you will - with simple physical exercises, based on Aikido - find out how a challenging situation impacts you on a mental, emotional and physical level. This will provide you with direct insights from which to learn. As you become aware of the signals in your body when the going gets tough, you learn to constructively use those physical reactions. More inner balance will have a positive effect on the way you express yourself, your way of communicating.
Let yourself be inspired to apply these principles in your communication style!

A different view of communication, a positive boost, connection and a lot of fun! You will have:

  • discovered your habitual reaction when meeting resistance and tension;
  • experienced the Aikido-way of inner calmness when dealing with resistance and tension;
  • seen and experienced how actively moving with a situation allows you to influence it;
  • explored together with the group what this could mean for you in practice.

For whom
This workshop is suited for everyone who wants to examine their professional communication style in a different way. This workshop is very well suited as a teambuilding session or Management Team boost.
Group size: 8 to 20 people
Duration: 1,5 or 2 hours

Please bring an open mind and wear comfortable clothes in which you can move freely. For the ladies, preferably no tight skirts or high heels. The exercises have been developed in such a way that they are light and accessible for everyone. It is about the insight you gain from the experience.

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Do you recognise this? Successfully responding to and achieving change often fails due to habitual behaviours.
It is not necessarily unwillingness. Human nature and reality simply are obstinate.
Your potential to navigate change stands or falls with your ability to break through fixed patterns and habits and subsequently substituting them with new ones.
That requires courage!
My work will support you to grow and practice this courage.

Empower yourself, empower your team
Lead lasting change!

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