Individual coaching for leaders
You carry a lot of responsibilities, are under constant pressure. You experience a stretch in your personal development and run into a personal hurdle. You see what is necessary, but you lack the resources to change your habitual perspectives and behaviours.
Individual coaching helps you to look in the mirror, reformulate your goals and get a better grip on your own way of acting. As your coach, I will appeal to your own power, your personal capacity to learn, to guide yourself and to problem solve. You will learn to use different capacities, develop new possibilities and achieve personal growth. The result – enhanced leadership effectiveness and ability to drive change.
I am looking forward to a conversation with you in order to take a look at what it is you encounter and to see what goals you may want to achieve with coaching.
Developmental questions could be:
- How can I have a more positive impact in the way I communicate?
- How can I come across more professionally and with powerful personal presence?
- How do I set boundaries in a constructive way?
- How do I become more visible?
- How can I effectively deal with resistance and conflictual situations?
- How do I motivate and inspire colleagues?
- Others experience me as blunt / reserved; how can I come across the way I envisage?
- How can I adapt my leadership to what the situation requires?
- How do I effectively call on others to take their personal responsibility?
The basic coaching program consists of 6 sessions of 1,5 hours each. They take place every 2 to 4 weeks, depending on your need and our mutual agenda’s.
This basic program enables you to lay a new foundation for yourself. You will have made a start by enquiring into your own patterns and changing them in practice.
The optimal coaching program consists of 10 sessions, also of 1,5 hour each. With the optimal program, you allow yourself to thoroughly investigate your own patterns in practice and work with them in such a way that you will clearly experience a developmental shift by the end.
The follow-up coaching program consists of a series of 4 sessions of 1,5 hours. You have been coached before (by me) and notice that you are ready for a next developmental step.
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